Do you have a class  request?

​Email me and let me know!


  Did you know that you can pre-order my MysticalMerch-(candles mugs gembags) bypre-order

Happier Hour Mini Readings by phone or virtual sessions 5-7pm (select days *on


 On site sessions at my office in Oviedo  Wednesdays and certain Fridays by appointment Phone sessions by request and on

Monday Mentoring Sessions and Private Readings Day or Evening *(by appointment) Online- Skype, Zoom Facetime or phone

Call to register 


 Psychic Development classes  coming soon  *pay here

Please request your application

Tuesdays-I'm at 

Universal Studios @Islands of Adventure 

Tea Leaf and all Reading Parties- Day or Night. Book yours now at

 Cash, CashApp, Venmo, Credit Card

​​​​*    PRIVATE READINGS  ONLINE   are  the fastest way to get your session! 


Booked by text-321-439-3073 OR Visibook

Meditations- on Zoom$11 prepaid to receive you Meeting ID and Password click here The Mystic Halls Of Knowledge

*Cafe Tu Tu Tango* -       

Saturdays 3/15  3/22 3/22      (7-11pm)

 Sundays 3/2  3/9  3/16 3/23         (7-11pm)​​

8625 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819

Mini Readings-Palms/Cards /Mediumship 

Monday Nights at 10:10pm-Online-(new time) Facebook page-

VenusInVelvet1111 Livestream talk on various topic and upcoming events!

As of April 2nd 2016, I am NO LONGER  at Cassadaga Hotel

My journey there has come to an end after nearly 6 years. I will be in town though, from time to time for special events such as Gala Days

Book a house party or corporate event party TODAY! 321-439-3073 House event-Maximum- 6 people, negative tested and social distancing please

Perfect gift for a loved one- A Psychic Reading!    click here- Services


  *Private Consultations
$60 half hour - Phone or virtual only
$85 for 45 minutes Phone/Virtual(Also available at my office in Oviedo) 1750 Broadway St. Suite 115 (side entrance) Oviedo 32765
$120 hour Phone/Virtual (Also available at my office in Oviedo) $150hour

                             1750 Broadway St. Suite 115 (side entrance) Oviedo 32765

$160 hour couple  

*Chakra Balancing$85-30min. $120-45min  (Same for various Energy Healings)
Purchase here Please specify virtual or in person

  *Past Life Regression and Healing$150-45min. Please specifyvirtualorinperson 

Purchase here

(MyofficeinOviedo has been closed.                 I am now looking for a new location.

 I also hostess Tea Leaf Reading Parties for $35 per person. Lots of fun!

RSVP to 321-439-3073  NEXT PARTY-???Purchase your tickets on the Services Page

  Replay previous episodes from my Radio show*click here (Venus In Velvet )on Blogtalk Radio or replay and subscribe on iTunes​(The show has been on a break as I may be changing nights and format-Stay tuned for details)

Meanwhile it's 10:10pm live on Facebook VenusInVelvet Join the chat on my livestream show and play the emoji game! Check out my YouTube channel VenusInVelvet1111PsychicTorre'


Birthday Blessings Pisces and Aries🎂🎉

Look for me here:

What's in store for your New Year??? Get a Birthday Reading!!!(Remember, your year starts on your birthday )


Phone, online or by email/messenger Special- Book it now! Text or call 321-439-3073

*Skype/Zoom and phone sessions available on 

Day or night!

​Available for private events and lectures!

March 2025